Our Why.
Harder than Ever
The Universal Credit top up of £20 per week moved 500,000 people in the UK out of poverty.* And now it’s gone.
If every family who can afford it were to donate £20 per week, we could shift thousands of children in Bristol out of poverty.
We’re all feeling it. But for many children, cost of living is affecting everything from their health to their education, and ultimately, their future. These children are part of your children’s future too, and that’s why we believe in families who can helping families who can’t. Yet.
It’s up to you, and the family you Pear with, to decide to connect. We believe in building bridges that are lasting and meaningful, to understand each other better and to give better help.
Local Help
Support a family like your own, in your own city. We partner with local charities to identify families in need of help, with children just like yours.